Ongoing and Completed Projects
Medical Imaging Partnership
MIP's Legacy
In the immediate aftermath of the tragic earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, MIP joined hands with Hope Haiti to provide ultrasound imaging assistance to a hospital in the Borgne region of Haiti. Dr. Robert Harris, MD, MPH, (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center) delivered a Sonosite machine with advanced imaging features and trained the local physicians and nurses on the latest advances in medical diagnostic imaging.
In Haiti, one of every 8 children does not live to see the age of 5. Many mothers and children die during childbirth. Lack of medical imaging is a major cause of this mortality. Medical Imaging Partnership continues to work toward a reality where every person in Haiti has access to high-quality diagnostic imaging.

A patient being scanned with new ultrasound machine

Bob Harris, MD in Haiti, teaching sonography

Bob Harris, MD donating a new ultrasound machine on behalf of Medical Imaging Partnership

Bob Harris, MD in Haiti with his daughter

Dr. Xavier in Haiti Clinic
South Africa:
In collaboration with the Radiological Society of South Africa, a diagnostic imaging visiting professor program was started to help prepare the way for a diagnostic imaging education and training program in South Africa. Drs. Deborah Rubens (University of Rochester Medical Center), Leslie Scoutt (Yale Medical Center), Harriet Paltiel (Boston Children’s Hospital), and Dr. Ted Dubinsky (University of Washington Medicine) paved the way for this collaboration by traveling to South Africa where they offered invaluable hands-on training and a variety of classic and atypical case presentations to South African physicians and residents.

Dr. Leslie Scoutt training medical staff at Grey’s Hospital in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. This three-day training program was sponsored by MIP in conjuection with RSSA.

Dr. Harriet Paltiel delivering a lecture on Ultrasound of the Female Paediatric Pelvis at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa.
MIP has delivered a GE Logic-i portable ultrasound machine and training to the main university hospital in Sarajevo. The machine was donated along with 5 transducers allowing virtually any kind of examination. This has been overseen by Dr. Vesna Sarajilic.

Uganda and Tanzania:
MIP donated a highly advanced GE Logic-I-ultrasound machine to the Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research & Education Institute (ECUREI) in Kampala, Uganda. As a direct result, over 10,000 patients in Uganda had access to quality imaging and diagnostic services. Uganda has over 30 million people but less than 30 radiologists.
Upon delivery, Dr. Ahmet Tuncay Turgot conducted several training sessions on ultrasound with over 40 people attending.
MIP also has donated an ultrasound machine and training to the Kabanga Hospital & Nursing School in Tanzania.

Ultrasound machine donated to Mengo Hospital in Kampala by the Medical Imaging Partnership, a public charity with a mission “To promote better health through Imaging”. This organization is based in USA.

Ultrasound machine donated to Mengo Hospital in Kampala by the Medical Imaging Partnership, a public charity with a mission “To promote better health through Imaging”. This organization is based in the USA.

Professor Ahmet Turgut of Ankara, Turkey, donating the new ultrasound machine, on behalf of Medical Imaging Partnership, to Associate Professor Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde, M.D., Chair of Radiology Department at Kampala Hospital, Uganda.